February 18, 2025


Most of the presentations given at the 2013 EERI Annual Meeting are listed below. The presentations are organized by their respective sessions of delivery during the conference.


Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Christchurch Earthquakes Workshop

The Canterbury Earthquake Sequence: major geologic and social impacts – Kelvin Berryman
Challenges of the Response and Lessons Identified – John Hamilton
Rebuilding the Garden City (Impacts to the Canterbury Built Environment) – John Hare
Canterbury Earthquake Sequence and its Impacts – Davis Johnston
Connections to Seattle: Implications for Local Buildings and Lifelines – Mark Pierepiekarz
Implications for Seattle and other Urban Areas – Tom Rasmussen

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Earthquakes in Cascadia (8:30-10:00am)

Constraining the earthquake source region on the Cascadia Subduction Zone – David Schmidt
Finding Faults in Western Washington –  Timothy Walsh
Performance of the Built Environment – John Hooper
How we are facilitating mitigation to earthquakes – Vicki McConnell

Resilience Planning (10:30-12:30pm)

The application of community resilience for disaster planning from national, state, and local perspectives – Chris Poland

Panel: Retrofit and Rehabilitation of Vulnerable Buildings (2:00-3:30pm)

Seismic Upgrades: Return on Investment – Franz Rad
Low Risk Does Not Equal No Risk – David Johnston
Political and Policy Perspectives:  Vulnerable Buildings – Peter May
Seismic Upgrade of Melrose Triangle Building (Melrose Market, Seattle); Adaptive Reuse of Existing Buildings – Michael Wright and Jim Graham

School Seismic Safety (4:00-5:30pm)

EERI Plenary Introduction – Phil Gould and Yumei Wang
Global School Earthquake Safety – Janise Rodgers
“Children have the right to be safe in school buildings during earthquakes” – John Schelling
B.C. School Retrofit Program – Liam Finn
Emergency Planning in Washington State Schools – Barbara Thurman
Seismic Protection of Schools: A New Perspective – Michael Mahoney (video)
Engaging Parents in Earthquake Safety (Lessons from Oregon)Edward Wolf

Patience and Perseverance – Jason Biermann
Disaster Resilience: A National Imperative – Susan Cutter
Resilience Planning in Oregon – Yumei Wang


Thursday, February 14, 2013

Unusual Earthquakes and their Implications for Risk (8:30-10:00am)

Uncertainties in Paleoseismic Estimates of Subduction Eathquake Size – Brian Atwater

Avoiding “Surprises” in Seismic Hazard Mapping – Art Frankel (videos)

U.S. Nuclear Facilities – Annie Kammerer

Surprise Earthquakes and Policy – Mary Comerio


Tsunami Design (10:30-12:20pm)

Performance-based Design Considerations for Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Buildings – Kent Yu

Project Safe Haven: Planning for Multi-Functional Tsunami Vertical Evacuation Structures – Omar El-Anwar

Lessons Learned from the 2011 Tohuku Tsunami – Harry Yeh

UW Tsunami Inundation Modeling: Applications and Research Relevant to Tsunami Design Issues – Frank González


Earthquake-Induced Ground Failures (10:30-12:20pm)

Effects of Long Duration Motions on Ground Failure – Steve Kramer

Seismically Induced Landsliding in Seattle – Kate Allstadt

Terrestrial Laser Scanning  (TLS) Method – Robert Kayen


Awards Luncheon and Annual Business Meeting (12:30-2:30pm)

2013 Annual Business Meeting – Janiele Maffei


Modeling Resilience (2:30-4:00pm)

Creating a Science of Community Resilience to Better Model It – Scott Miles

Modeling Water System Services and Seismic Resilience – Craig Davis

Catastrophe Modeling for Business Interruption Insurance: Exploring a New Approach – Charles Huyck

Modeling Resilience in GEM – Kate Stillwell


2011-2012 EERI/FEMA NEHRP Graduate Fellow (4:00-4:30pm)

From Theory to Practice: Performance-based Kinematic Pile Response – Kevin Franke


Graduate Student Paper Presentation (4:30-5:00pm)

Assessing the Collapse Hazard of Base Isolated Buildings Considering Pounding to Moat Walls Using the FEMA P695 Methodology – Armin Masroor (video)


Friday, February 15, 2013

Linking Performance-Based Seismic Design with Sustainability (8:30-10:00am)

ATC-86: Integrating Seismic and Environmental Performance Metrics – Kathrina Simonen

The US Resiliency Council Principles of Formation – Evan Reis

Disaster Resilience and Sustainability – Tona Rodriguez


Technology for Post-Earthquake Assessment and Monitoring (8:30-10:00am)

Seismic Instrumentation of Structures: What Have We Learned? – Mehmet Çelebi

Post–Real Time Post-Earthquake Impact Assessment and Response Prioritization – David Wald

Facilitating Earthquake Reconnaissance Photograph Collection – Maggie Ortiz


Update on EERI Activities (10:30-11:15am)

Updates on EERI Activities – Jay Berger


Report-Out on Pre-Meeting Christchurch Earthquakes Workshop (11:15-12:00pm)

Response and Recovery Lessons from the 2010-2011 Earthquake Sequence in Canterbury, New Zealand – Mark Pierepiekarz


10th Annual SSA/EERI William B. Joyner Memorial Lecture (12:00-1:45pm)

The Context and Impacts of the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence of 2010-2011 – Kelvin Berryman