January 26, 2025

Presentations: Friday, February 15, 2013

Presentations from Friday, February 15, 2013 are listed on this page. To view a presentation, click on the presentation title.

Linking Performance-Based Seismic Design with Sustainability (8:30-10:00am)

ATC-86: Integrating Seismic and Environmental Performance Metrics - Kathrina Simonen
The US Resiliency Council Principles of Formation - Evan Reis
Disaster Resilience and Sustainability - Tona Rodriguez

Technology for Post-Earthquake Assessment and Monitoring (8:30-10:00am)

Seismic Instrumentation of Structures: What Have We Learned? - Mehmet Çelebi
Post–Real Time Post-Earthquake Impact Assessment and Response Prioritization - David Wald
Facilitating Earthquake Reconnaissance Photograph Collection - Maggie Ortiz

Update on EERI Activities (10:30-11:15am)

Updates on EERI Activities - Jay Berger
Learning from Earthquakes - Ken Elwood
Concrete Coalition - Craig Comartin
Earthquake Spectra - Ellen Rathje
Housner Fellows Program - Kate Stillwell

Report-Out on Pre-Meeting Christchurch Earthquakes Workshop (11:15-12:00pm)

Response and Recovery Lessons from the 2010-2011 Earthquake Sequence in Canterbury, New Zealand - Mark Pierepiekarz

10th Annual SSA/EERI William B. Joyner Memorial Lecture (12:00-1:45pm)

The Context and Impacts of the Canterbury Earthquake Sequence of 2010-2011 - Kelvin Berryman
Video of Community Response to Canterbury Earthquake Sequence of 2010-2011

This video was presented at the 2013 EERI Annual Meeting, during Kelvin Berryman's "William B. Joyner Memorial Lecture 2013" on Friday, February 15th.